Wagg’n Tails Handsome Samson “Sam” earned the American Kennel Club title of Senior Hunter. Sam is a dog of intelligence, high spirit, sound temperament and a driving desire to please. He is fine hunting companion, able to remain energetic through an entire day of hunting in the field. When Sam is not in the field he is an excellent family dog that enjoys evenings with his family before retiring to his kennel. Sam is the son of “Shady Grove’s Ragun Cajun” and grandson of the Legendary “Barracuda Blue”. Cuda is the all time high point, all-age, Chocolate Labrador in the history of the American Kennel Club. Cuda earned Field Champion, Amateur Field Champion, Canadian Field Champion and Amateur Canadian Field Champion titles. For information on Sam’s grandfather, check out the following web site. http://www.cactusmoonlabs.com/fc-afc-cfc-cafc_BarracudaBlue_MH.htm